Table of Contents

Editorial Note: Theatre in a World in Crisis
Note éditoriale : Le théâtre dans un monde en crise
Savas Patsalidis, Editor-in-Chief

Special Topic

“Truth” in the Kafkaesque World of Theatre: Tragic or Comic?
Guest Editors: Aikaterini Delikonstantinidou and Hana Strejčková

Kafkaesque Resonances in World Theatre: Introductory Note
Aikaterini Delikonstantinidou

Franz Kafka—an Expressionist on the Contemporary Stage
Zuzana Augustová

Kafka as a Starting Point for Circus Art
Hana Strejčková

On the Cultural Virality of Truth in Kafka and the Kafkaesque
Martin Boszorád

Antimyths About Slovakia
Dária Fojtíková Fehérová

Postponed Judgment: What Does it Mean to Judge in the Kafkaesque World?
Tomoko Seki

What is Τrue in the Theatre of the Post-truth Era, Or:  How did the Story About the Story Become the Main Story?
Cecilia Djurberg

Theatrical Creation and Public Debate in the Era of Cancel Culture
Ioanna Lioutsia

La physicalité dans l’œuvre de Kafka
Jean-Pierre Han

Α Report to an Academy. A Postcolonial and Ecocritical Performance by Zero Point Theatre
Penelope Chatzidimitriou

Shame as a Positive Tool in Educating Good Actors—Jouko Turkka Draws Examples from Charlie Chaplin
Matti Linnavuori

Kafka on the Contemporary Chinese Stage
Peng Tao

“From Stage to Street”: Alice Theatre Laboratory’s Kafkaesque Aesthetics and Experiments in Democratizing the Creative Process
Bernice Chan and Huiwen Shi

The Grotesque of a Kafkaesque World and Its Counterparts in Recent Korean Scenes
Hwawon Lee

Between Theatrical “Truth” and Historical “Fact”: The Question of Female Love in Miyagi’s Noh Rendition of Othello
Tomoka Tsukamoto and Ted Motohashi


Editor: Yana Meerzon (Canada)

Ukrainian Gambit: Decolonial Perspectives on the First Shakespeare Theatre Festival in Ukraine
Ewa Bal

Strawberry Fields (Not) Forever? “Iceberg Reflections” on Performing Greenland
Annelis Kuhlmann

“Katha Surpanakha”: Performance as an Advocate Against Nationalist Ideology
Sinjini Chatterjee

Representation of the Collective Memory in the Contemporary Latvian Theatre: A Few Recent Examples
Vesma Levalde

Creating Khaita—Joyful Dances: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Eva Leick

Probing Fatalistic and Deterministic Conversations in Ahmed Yerima’s Drugga and Victor Dugga’s Gidan Juju
Mark Ogah Onwe and Taiwo Afolabi

Decolonising Performance and Unmasking Ethnology: Tanzanian Dance in a German Museum
Charlie Ely

Inter/National Reflections

Editor: Savas Patsalidis (Greece)

New Trends in Performance Analysis
Patrice Pavis

The Challenges of the Theatre Museum Amidst and Beyond the Pandemic: Digital Archiving and Revitalization Practices of Japanese Theatre
Minako Okamuro

Words, Space and Enacting the Archive
Ashutosh Potdar

Morphing Solidity: Wuzhen Theatre Festival at the Crossroads
Zheyu WEI

The World (and Theatre Blogging) Comes to China
Zhu Ning

John Florio, also Known as Shakespeare
Michel Vaïs

Victor Hugo’s Cromwell in its Entirety – A World Première
David Willinger

Theatre in Slovenia Today: Problems and Promises
Alja Predan

Lots of Potential, Little Space: The Case of Slovenian Theatre
Zala Dobovšek

The Search for the “Other” and the “Real”: A Festival Journey from Cluj to Bucharest
Savas Patsalidis

My Exotic Girlfriend: Independent Hungarian Art in Hellerau
Noémi Herczog


Editor: Savas Patsalidis (Greece)

“Chinese theatre goes where people go”: Interview with Meng Jinghui
by Peng Tao, Zhu Ning, and Savas Patsalidis

“Being Here and Now” in Virtual Reality Performance: Interview with Kwon Hayoun
by Kyueun Kim

Ethos of New Stockholm: A City Invented to be Staged
Deniz Başar, Art Babayants, and Yana Meerzon

Performance Reviews

Editor: Matti Linnavuori (Finland)

Andrew Scott’s Vanya: a Fusion of Souls
Asen Terziev

Romania, Make Room for Women
Irina Zlotea

BITEF2024: With Concern about the World We Live in
Kamelia Nikolova

Divadlo in Dialogue with Itself
Matti Linnavuori

À Brno, le théâtre et ses alentours / In Brno, Theatre and its Surroundings
Mathis Grosos, Andriana-Anna Tsiotsiou, Callysta Croizer, Amanda L. Andrei, Marrie E. Bathory, Otto Ekman

The Camera Is on You
Patricia Keeney

Contextualising Means Everything at the Kunsten Festival
Beri Juraic

Kristian Smeds in Search of “Finnishness”: Sauna, Hare Ears and Some Knockabout Comedy
Aleksandra Dunaeva

Almada Festival 2024: A Community Festival and Beyond
Savas Patsalidis

Le Dom Juan de Molière/Makeïeff : décapant !
Selim Lander

Queer Gestus, Antifascist Ritualism and Bloody Geopolitics in Oresteia
Penelope Chatzidimitriou

Medea vs Medea: Adapting the Ancient Myth
Antonia Tsamouris

Salesman in China: East Meets West via an Arthur Miller Masterpiece
Martin Morrow

Cherry Orchard: Closer, Familiar, Summerweight Contact
Choi Young Joo

Book Reviews

Editor: Don Rubin (Canada)

Scènes numériques. Anthologie critique d’écrits et d’entretiens d’artistes
Théo Arnulf

NTC: Purcărete and Boroghina: Pilgrims of the Great Theatre of the World
Maria Shevtsova

The Playbook: A Story of Theatre, Democracy and the Making of a Culture War
Don Rubin

La Récolte (une revue à la découverte de nouveaux textes)
Selim Lander

Contre le théâtre politique (Against Political Theatre)
José Maria Vieira Mendes and Rui Pina Coelho

Critics on Criticism

Editor: Ivan Medenica (Serbia)

Equitable Theatre Criticism: An Overview
Karen Fricker and Nathaniel Hanula-James

In Memoriam

The Art of Playful Seriousness: Suzanne Osten (1944-2024)
Margareta Sörenson