For English-language texts
All English-language authors for Critical Stages/Scènes critiques should prepare their work in accordance with the international guidelines below. Thank you.
Find the MLA (8th Edition) Guide online here. Alternatively, see here.
Abbreviations: U.K., U.S., N.Y., EU, NATO, UNESCO. Avoid: e.g., i.e. etc.
Bibliographic references: both in-text references and a full reference in the Works Cited section are required.
Capitalization: see guidelines here. Capitalize a foreign language title according to the practice of its language. (Quick reminder: hyphenated titles are capitalized in both parts, as in Vice-President.)
Citations: see guidelines here.
Colons: Use lowercase letters following colons, unless the word is normally capitalized, or the sentence is complete. Note: the MLA style has a space after the colon but not before.
Commas: In lists of items, do not use a comma before “and” where the sense is clear without it. For standard comma usage, refer to this page.
Dates: 1990s, not 1990’s, thirties or Thirties. Use B.C., not BC. Spell out centuries: “the fourteenth century”; hyphenate the adjective: “fourteenth-century castles.”
Ellipses: For ellipses other than those identifying an omission in a sentence, do not use spaces between the periods: instead do this: …
For ellipses identifying an omission in a sentence (or longer quote), see here.
Endnotes: Use endnotes, not footnotes. Where possible, include the information in the text itself instead. Check that numbers and text match.
Endnote Numbering: Insert after commas, periods or quotation marks; before semi-colons or colons. Number them as follows: [1], [2], [x].
Foreign languages: Italicize foreign words that are not in common usage.
Hyphens: Use em dashes—solid dashes—as seen here. Use hyphens for hyphenating words such as single-spaced. Do not insert a space before or after an em-dash: like this—, not this — .
See sensible notes on hyphens here or here.
Indenting: Do not indent the first line of a new paragraph.
Italics: Use italics—not underlining—for titles and emphasis.
Names: Give full names of people mentioned in the articles; do not use initials. Very common names will not need a first name (Sophocles, Shakespeare, Molière).
Pagination: Do not paginate your article.
Parentheses: Parentheses have spaces before and after, like this (with a space); not(without a space).
Play and Book Titles: In italics, not all-capitals or underlined.
- For quotations longer than three lines, create a space above and below the quotation, and indent.
- Punctuation: Periods and commas come before closing quotation marks, as in ,” and .”
- Colons, semicolons, question marks and exclamation points follow closing quotation marks (unless a question mark or exclamation point are part of the quoted material). Examples: I heard her say, “I’m not listening!” Did you hear her say, “I’m not listening”?
- Quotation Marks: Double for quoted material in the body of the text. Single for quotation inside passages already in double quotes. Double for defining or highlighting.
Section headings (Intertitles): consider using these for easier reading on the Internet.
- Line spacing: Single-space the entire article.
- Paragraph spacing: Add one line space between paragraphs. (This means the whole article is single-spaced with one additional line space between paragraphs.)
- Sentence spacing: Use only one space after sentence-end periods and after all punctuation.
Spelling: “theatre,” not “theater.”
Time: Express as follows: six months, 8.00 a.m., eight o’clock, half-past eight, a five-minute break.
Word program: Please send your work in Microsoft Word (or an easily convertible file) to ensure that your formatting will be retained.
Writing: If you previously delivered your text to a live audience, please remove remarks or references to that occasion from the text before submitting.
The Style Sheet for Critical Stages/Scènes critiques was drafted by Lissa Tyler Renaud.
Pour les textes en français
Point : Le point doit être suivi d’une seule espace.
Espaces insécables (inséparables) : toujours en mettre une après des chevrons d’ouverture («), et avant », :, ;, ?, !
Les tirets de mise en apposition (–) doivent être plus longs qu’un trait d’union (-). Ils doivent avoir une espace insécable après le premier et une autre avant le deuxième. Avant le premier et après le deuxième tiret, il faut une espace ordinaire.
Espaces ordinaires : Les signes de ponctuation suivants doivent être suivis d’une – et une seule – espace ordinaire (non insécable) : » ) : ; ? !
Les signes suivants doivent être précédés d’une espace ordinaire : « (
Guillemets : Utiliser les chevrons («…») pour les citations, et les guillemets doubles bouclés (“…”) pour les mots cités à l’intérieur d’une citation.
Italiques : Les réserver aux titres d’œuvres, aux mots étrangers (anglais, latins, argotiques…) et à ceux sur lesquels on veut insister ou dont on doute de la pertinence. Dans un entretien, les questions peuvent aussi être en italiques. Ne pas utiliser de soulignés.
Police de caractères : Utiliser Arial. Notre webmaître convertira votre texte en Trebuchet MS.
Alinéas : Ne pas mettre en retrait chaque nouveau paragraphe. Sauter une ligne entre les paragraphes.
Pagination : Ne pas paginer votre article.
Majuscules et gras : Le moins possible.
Citations : En retrait si elles ont plus de trois lignes ; sauter une ligne avant et après.
Intertitres : Très utiles pour rendre la lecture plus facile sur Internet.
Interlignes : Simple interligne pour l’ensemble de l’article. Double interligne entre les paragraphes.
Envoi de l’article : Prière de nous le faire parvenir en Microsoft Word (ou dans un fichier facilement convertible) pour vous assurer que votre format sera respecté.
Rédigé par Michel Vaïs pour le comité éditorial de Critical Stages / Scènes critiques