Table of Contents

Editorial | Éditorial
Yun-Cheol Kim

Special Topic: Theatre in Recession

Section Editor: Savas Patsalidis

Editorial Note
Savas Patsalidis

Theatre in Recession: South Africa (South Africa)
Brent Meersman

Theater and Crisis in Argentina: The Sound and the Fury (Argentina)
Halima Tahan Ferreyra

Greek Theatre in the Age of Depression (Greece)
Savas Patsalidis

The Budget is the Thing: Spanish Theatre in Recession (Spain)
Noelia Hernando-Real

Finita la Commedia: The Debilitation of Hungarian Independent Theatre (Hungary)
Tamas Jaszay

Theatre and Recession (Iceland)
Sveinn Einarsson

In Scotland: a Victory Against the Ideology of “Creative Industries” (Scotland)
Mark Brown

Reasons to Be Cheerful (England)
Ian Herbert


Section Editor: Randy Gener

« Mon engagement politique s’incarne dans des valeurs de l’éducation » — Entretien avec Nicolas Lormeau, acteur et metteur en scène français
Irène Sadowska-Guillon

“Les armes font la guerre, mais les arts font la paix (Weapons make war, but the arts make peace)” — Interview with Jean-Louis Sagot-Duvauroux, French Philosopher and Playwright
Randy Gener

“The Future of Indian Theatre Will Be Based on Our Ability to Intermingle With Other Art Disciplines” — Interview with Deepan Sivaraman, Indian Theatre Director and Scenographer
Deepa Punjani

“Some Strange Beast”: A Painterly Designer’s Search in Paint and Text — Interview with John Warren Travis, U.S. Designer
Lissa Tyler Renaud

“I look at William Shatner as a starting point to consider a post-human theatre” — Interview with Phil Soltanoff, U.S. Director
Randy Gener


Section Editor: Maria Helena Serôdio

Seoul Non Désirée, moi Hyeseok
Patrice Pavis

Conference Papers

Section Editor: Mark Brown

Editorial: Tbilisi conference has lessons for the theatre throughout the world
Mark Brown

“The Crisis Syndrome” and Dr. Chekhov: A Masterpiece-Triptych by Andrei Şerban
Ludmila Patlanjoglu

Journey into Deep Diversity
Konrad Szczebiot

Censorship and Self-Censorship in the Post-Soviet Georgian Theatre
Lasha Chkhartishvili

Performance Reviews

Section Editor: Matti Linnavuori

Editorial Note : Following Major Directors Long-Term
Matti Linnavuori

Disaster Market: the Srilankan Experience
Ajay Joshi

Jeu de ruptures
Irène Sadowska-Guillon

French Images from Caen Theatres
Margareta Sörenson

Scènes de la vie de famille suédoise : Lars Norén et le théâtre post-bergmanien
Alvina Ruprecht

Toronto’s Tristan Glitters through the Canadian Opera Company’s Winter Season
Patricia Keeney

Andrei Şerban’s Triumph and the Power of Love
Ludmila Patlanjoglu

Cluj Plays a Dialogue with Music
Aglika Oltean

Sarajevo Provides a Second Opinion on Suffering / Sarajevo : Regards pluriels sur la souffrance
Matti Linnavuori and Michel Vaïs

No Exit, no Explanation, no Exit
Thomas Irmer

The Beauty of Musical Eclecticism
Maria Zărnescu

Feeling the Fire of Flamencos in Cape Town
Rob Baum

Theatre Occupies Ljubljana with Longing
Kalina Stefanova

Wounded Voice, Wounded Heart: The Suppression of the Natural Voice Examined
Sue Klemp

Book Reviews

Section Editor: Don Rubin

Journal de nuit (1978 – 1984), de Jan Fabre, 232 p. Paris: L’Arche, 2012
Irène Sadowska-Guillon

Contemporary mise en scène: Staging Theatre Today, By Patrice Pavis (translation into English by Joël Anderson), 358 pp. London and New York: Routledge, 2013
Philippe Rouyer

Benedict Nightingale: Great Moments in the Theatre, by Benedict Nightingale, London: Oberon Books, 2012
Ian Herbert