Edited and introduced by Mark Brown 214 pp. Bristol and Chicago: intellectbooks, 2011. Philippe Rouyer[1] Cet ensemble de 17 entretiens avec Howard Barker (né à Dulwich, UK le 28 juin 1946) dans l’ordre chronologique est un régal pour tous ceux
Eroticism and Death in Theatre and Performance
Edited by Karoline Gritzner 267 pp. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2010. Mark Brown* In Andrei Tarkovsky’s remarkable final film, The Sacrifice (1986), the protagonist, Alexander (a revered theatre critic) responds to an impending apocalypse (an implied nuclear holocaust) by
World Scenography: 1975-1990
Edited by Peter McKinnon and Eric Fielding 430 pp. Taiwan: OISTAT, 2012 Don Rubin[1] Take it from me, it’s not easy to make an encyclopedia. And trying to make an international encyclopedia is even tougher. If one knew the problems in