Kamelia Nikolova[1] William Shakespeare: The Winter’s Tale. Directed by Margarita Mladenova. Set and costumes by Daniela Oleg Lyahova. Premiere 27 January 2011 at Theatre Laboratory Sfumato in Sofia, Bulgaria. Theatre laboratory Sfumato is one of the most interesting experimental companies
German Discovers Opera in Africa
Brent Meersman[1] Via Intolleranza II, concept and direction Christoph Schlingensief, set design Thekla von Mülheim and Christian Schlechter, costumes Aino Laberenz, light Voxi Bärenklau and Michael Dietze, video Meika Dresenkamp, music Arno Waschk, dramaturgy Anna Heesen and Carl Hegemann. Premiere
On Self-portrait by Nam Jeong ho
Patrice Pavis[1] Self-Portrait : trois étapes de la vie. Choréographie et danse: Nam Jeungho. Avril 2011 au Théâtre d’Arko, Séoul, Corée. On Self-portrait by Nam Jeong ho from Critical Stages on Vimeo. Une première phase, à distance, sur un faisceau
Danser le Chili
Irène Sadowska-Guillon[1] « … Como el musguito en la piedra, ay si, si, si… », Création de Pina Bausch et du Tanztheater de Wuppertal, décors et vidéo Peter Pabst. Avec : Pablo Aran Gimeno, Rainer Behr, Damiano Ottavio Bigi, Ales
To Be Honest in Moscow
Christine Matvienko[1] Festival for Young Playwrights Liubimovka-2011 in Moscow, Russia, September 8-18th. 1 Liubimovka was created in 1990 by the elder generation of Russian playwrights to support the younger ones. Victor Slavkin, author of the famous Elder Daughter of a
Faute de dieux, on se sert des mortels
Daria Dimiu[1] Albert Camus : Caligula, traduction d’Alice Georgescu, mise en scène László Bocsárdi, scénographie Joséph Bartha, costumes Judith Dobre-Kothay, éclairages Bányai Tamás, musique : Iosif Herţea, première au Théâtre National « Marin Sorescu » de Craiova, en Roumanie, en
Edinburgh Meets Asia in a Big Way
Yun-Cheol Kim[1] The theme of the international program at the 2011 Edinburgh Festival was “Asia”; this is why I couldn’tnot go to that Scottish city. Due to my administrative responsibilities as Dean at the Korea National School of Drama, however,
A Mischievous Look at Post-1989 Democratic Theatre
Demoludy festival in Olsztyn, Poland, October 17 to 22, 2011. Matti Linnavuori[1] Demoludy is a Polish abbreviation for ’democratic peoples’. This is how the peoples of the Soviet block used to refer to themselves and their socialist neighbours in Eastern
“In Place of Situations”: Gertrude Stein’s Libretto Liberato
Lissa Tyler Renaud[1] Four Saints in Three Acts: An Opera InstallationSFMOMA in Association with Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA) PresentsAn Ensemble Parallèle production; Featuring Kalup LinzyNovellus Theater, YBCAAugust 18 – 21, 2011 The early avant-garde came to the
“The Oscar for Drama”, Sumptuous Ceremony in Saint Petersburg
Europe Theatre Prize, April 2011, in St Petersburg, Russia. Ludmila Patlanjoglu[1] “The Oscar for Drama” brought together in Saint Petersburg the elite of the theatre world: actors, directors, playwrights, scenographers, choreographers, musicians, critics who performed in shows, took part in