Interviewed by Lissa Tyler Renaud* With assistance and translation by Lin, Yu-Chen** The theme of Taiwan actor-director MA, BAO-SHAN’s work has been the revitalization of the traditional Peking [Beijing] Opera. With longtime, celebrated careers at both the pivotal National Guo-Guang
La scène de la régénération de soi — Entretien avec Arne Lygre
Propos recueillis par Irène Sadowska-Guillon[1] Abstract A new phenomenon in the new Norwegian drama (even in European drama), Arne Lygre reinvents dramatic writing to question the discomfort and difficulty of individuals to live within society’s normative framework and alienating circumstances.
“Art Always Gets Caught Between the Pages of History”: A Flemish Coincidence — Interview with Jan Lauwers
Interviewed by Randy Gener[1] Jan Lauwers, 53, paints. He takes photographs. He draws. He creates installations and sculptural objects. He makes films. He directs opera and Shakespeare. With an international ensemble of Brussels-based actors and dancers, he devises original theatre
“To Visualize the Invisible, the In-Between Space” — An Interview with the Macedonian Performance Artist Igor Josifov
Interview by Randy Gener[1] Critics and curators who strictly police the territories of traditional theatre and visual art might be surprised to find the Macedonian performance artist Igor Josifov included in this peer-reviewed webjournal devoted to the international theatre. But
En quête d’une issue pour demain — Entretien avec Zinnie Harris
Propos recueillis par Irène Sadowska-Guillon[1] Abstract French critic Irène Sadowska Guillon interviews playwright and director Zinnie Harris: How — after the radical movement, the extreme violence of the visions of human catastrophe, the barbarism running in the plays of Edward