Ed. par Georges Forestier & Claude Bourqui (Paris : Gallimard, 2010) Reviewed by Philippe Rouyer[1] (France) La prestigieuse collection des éditions Gallimard, La Pléiade, créé en 1931, publie ses 561ème et 562ème titres consacrés à une nouvelle édition des œuvres
Keisarinajan kulisseissa (Imperial Russian Entertainment in Finland)
by Liisa Byckling – in Finnish (Helsinki: Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura, 2009) Reviewed by Matti Linnavuori[1] (Finland) Liisa Byckling’s book Keisarinajan kulisseissa is the first study of the Russian theatre in Helsinki from its founding in 1868 to its end in 1918.
La montagne des langues: écritures théâtrales du Caucase (The Mountain of Languages: Theatre Writings from the Caucasus)
Sous la direction de Dominique Dolmieu et Virginie Symaniec 430 pp. Paris: Éditions Non Lieu et l’Espace d’un instant, 2009. Reviewed by Irene Sadowska-Guillon[1] (France) Depuis plusieurs années la Maison d’Europe et d’Orient, fondée et dirigée par Dominique Dolmieu et
Contemporary European Directors
Edited by Maria M. Delgado and Dan Rebellato (London: Routledge, 2009) Reviewed by Christopher Innes[1] (Canada) As a cross-section of contemporary directors this is a compelling collection of pieces, representing a wide variety of voices and styles of theatre. It
Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare?
By James Shapiro (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2009) Reviewed by Don Rubin[1] (Canada) What one should appreciate most about Professor James Shapiro’s new book, Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare – aside, of course, from his impeccable scholarship – is