Par Christian Antourel et Alvina Ruprecht Christian Antourel est critique théâtral pour le quotidien martiniquais France-Antilles et contribue régulièrement au site culturel Alvina Ruprecht, critique théâtrale à Radio Canada, contribue aux multiples sites en anglais et en français.
Spécialité de la maison polonaise: Criticism as an Art of Interpretation
Andrzej Żurowski[1] Interpretation in itself is artistic work. Any interpretation, that is, both of the world and of man. All along the spectrum: from the interpretation given in a philosophical treatise to a diagnosis made by a surgeon over an
In Search of a Criticism without Borders
Randy Gener[1] Brief Summary: In the following personal essay, the Nathan Award–winning American critic Randy Gener argues that criticism of international theatre activity needs to be given greater visibility and needs to be supported and more effectively diffused and promoted.
Après Avignon 2010
Patrice Pavis[1] Lorsque je suis amené à vérifier mon jugement à propos d’une mise en scène sur laquelle je viens d’écrire, après Avignon par exemple, je suis toujours étonné des critiques à l’emporte-pièce que je lis dans la presse. Je
The Relationship Between Performance and Criticism
These remarks are based on a keynote speech I delivered at I.A.T.C.’s Tokyo symposium in 2006. Yun-Cheol Kim (President, I.A.T.C.) 1. When I was in Moscow a few years ago, they were already saying they had begun to talk about
Œuvres complètes de Molière (nouvelle édition) (Complete Works of Moliere) new edition
Ed. par Georges Forestier & Claude Bourqui (Paris : Gallimard, 2010) Reviewed by Philippe Rouyer[1] (France) La prestigieuse collection des éditions Gallimard, La Pléiade, créé en 1931, publie ses 561ème et 562ème titres consacrés à une nouvelle édition des œuvres
Keisarinajan kulisseissa (Imperial Russian Entertainment in Finland)
by Liisa Byckling – in Finnish (Helsinki: Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura, 2009) Reviewed by Matti Linnavuori[1] (Finland) Liisa Byckling’s book Keisarinajan kulisseissa is the first study of the Russian theatre in Helsinki from its founding in 1868 to its end in 1918.
La montagne des langues: écritures théâtrales du Caucase (The Mountain of Languages: Theatre Writings from the Caucasus)
Sous la direction de Dominique Dolmieu et Virginie Symaniec 430 pp. Paris: Éditions Non Lieu et l’Espace d’un instant, 2009. Reviewed by Irene Sadowska-Guillon[1] (France) Depuis plusieurs années la Maison d’Europe et d’Orient, fondée et dirigée par Dominique Dolmieu et
Contemporary European Directors
Edited by Maria M. Delgado and Dan Rebellato (London: Routledge, 2009) Reviewed by Christopher Innes[1] (Canada) As a cross-section of contemporary directors this is a compelling collection of pieces, representing a wide variety of voices and styles of theatre. It
Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare?
By James Shapiro (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2009) Reviewed by Don Rubin[1] (Canada) What one should appreciate most about Professor James Shapiro’s new book, Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare – aside, of course, from his impeccable scholarship – is