National Reports
Critics on Criticism
Note from the Editors<em>Flight</em> Paths and Theatre for Early Years AudiencesYoung Critical Practices: Ways of Thinking in and With the ArtsDescribe, Evaluate, Argue: Teaching Criticism for Young WritersCriticism as a Play-Space<em>What If We Just Dance?</em> An Example of Interactive Criticism“Parallel Space for Reflection”: Interview with Zala DobovšekThe Young People’s Stage of the National Theatre of Greece: Cultural Politics and Pedagogical ParadigmsRéinventer les paysages et dessiner les vols au Théâtre de Marionnettes de Porto
Performance Reviews
Macmillan’s Pandemic Theatre in LatviaThe Game Is OverHallucinations of a Finnish AnarchistQui a peur du théâtre ?Defeats to Lament, Lives to Celebrate: Fragments of a Greek FestivalThéâtre et musique, un mariage risqué<em>Exodos</em>. The Body Is the OracleTheater of War: The Relevance of Community Arts during the PandemicLes bienfaits collatéraux d’une pandémie à Luxembourg