City Narratives in European Performances of Crisis: The Examples of Athens and NicosiaA Case Study of the Intercultural Production of Väike Jumalanna (The Little Goddess)The Drama(turgy) of Non-Belonging: Jeroen Coppens in Dialogue with Motus on Sharing Identity in PanoramaSeeking the Other: Staging the Paroxysms of OrientalismNo Woman’s Land: Walking as a Dramaturgical Device in Performance of Maternal MigrationOn Dramaturgy of Care and Encounter in the Theatres of Multilingualism: Interview with Ayham Majid AghaMovement through Language: A Reflection on the Use of Spoken Text in Dance Performances
National Reports
Conference Papers
Performance Reviews
Let’s Start Love Over in BelgradeDance in the Forest, an Example of Immersive TheatreCotillion of Loss: Summoning August Wilson’s African American CenturyJacinto Benavente relance la Commedia dell’arte au CanadaSankara, héros tragiqueAriadne’s Stage Metamorphosis in Buenos Aires<em>Macbettu</em>: Immersing in the “Hollow Crown”Men Punish Women in PilsenAll Puppets, Large and Small—in Québec and the Czech Republic