Questioning Shakespeare’s Authorship
Theatre in an Aging World
Editors: Manabu Noda, Yun Cheol Kim
According to the UN, population aged 60 or over is growing faster than all younger age groups. The extremely rapid aging around the world requires us to adopt new perspectives at our political, social, cultural, and artistic life.
To home in on this urgent issue, Critical Stages/Scènes critiques invites essays for its upcoming special issue focusing on the problematics and challenges of Theatre in an Aging World, as well as theatre reviews concerning stage productions on, of, for or by the elderly. We are also interested in papers on theatre in the aging world with a demographical, sociological, or psychological perspective.
Length: Maximum 3,000 words
Language: English or French
Deadline: September 1, 2019
Publication Date: Dec. 2019
Submission Address: Submission should be made to
Submission guidelines
Submission: Please submit your article as an e-mail attachment, double-spaced in MS Word. We assume that an article submitted for consideration has not been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere, either in the submitted or in a modified form.
Permissions: Critical Stages publishes writings that have not been previously published in English or French. Permission to reprint articles is granted with the requirement to include “First published in Critical Stages,” along with other citation information and the web address of the journal.
Photos: Photos (JPEG) and other types of illustrations are encouraged. The position of the photo should be designated in the article. A personal photo and a short biography of the author should be included. All necessary permissions for images should be provided. These can be in the form of an e-mail from the company, or documentation that you have procured the images from an official website. Note: If the performance the author attended is other than the opening night, please include mention of the actual date in the text itself. General information regarding the production, however, should match the date recorded in national and international databases.
Photo Captions: Each photo of a performance needs a caption including title of the performance; names of playwright, director, company, venue, the date of the première, and photo credits. Names of actors (clockwise from top left) can also be added.
Author Information: Author’s name, photo, e-mail address, and professional affiliation, and short profile should be given with your submission, separately from the article file. Only the article title should appear at the head of the article file.