Les théâtres francophones du Pacifique Sud

Les théâtres francophones du Pacifique Sud

Par Alvina Ruprecht 326 pp. Paris: Éditions Karthala, 2016 Compte rendu de Michel Vaïs* Le Pacifique Sud est une immense région, aux populations très diverses. Alvina Ruprecht le reconnaît, qui mesure dès le départ l’ampleur de sa tâche. En outre,

Tragedy and Dramatic Theatre

Tragedy and Dramatic Theatre

By Hans-Theis Lehmann. Translated by Erik Butler Routledge, 2016 Reviewed by Ross Stuart*(Canada) Review a new book by Hans-Theis Lehmann?  Of course I would. Professor Lehmann is much-talked about in European academic circles, less well-known in North America. His previous

Hamlet: Globe to Globe

Hamlet: Globe to Globe

By Dominic Dromgoole Grove Press, 379 pp. plus index Reviewed by Hank Whittemore* In this freewheeling, exhilarating and often insightful volume, the author—a former Artistic Director of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London—reveals as much about himself as about the extraordinary

The Reception of Aeschylus’ Plays through Shifting Models and Frontiers

The Reception of Aeschylus’ Plays through Shifting Models and Frontiers

Edited by Stratos Constantinidis 409 pp. Leiden:  Brill Academic Reviewed by Amy S. Green* In The Reception of Aeschylus’ Plays through Shifting Models and Frontiers, editor Stratos Constantinidis assembles essays from editors, translators, adapters, critics and directors, who each bring

Seven Plays of Koffi Kwahulé: In and out of Africa

Seven Plays of Koffi Kwahulé: In and out of Africa

Edited by Judith G. Miller 322 pp. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press Editor’s Note: Occasionally, a book comes along that cries out for multiple points of view in trying to assess it.  One such book is a major new collection