Chilean Theatre Season 2017

Chilean Theatre Season 2017

Milena Grass Kleiner* A Very Short Introduction to Chilean Theatre According to local mythology, the first Chilean theatre company was created by Bernardo O’Higgins, the Father of the Nation, who offered freedom to a bunch of Spanish soldiers in exchange

A View from the South: A Cursory Glance at Some Events of the Argentinian Theatrical Landscape

A View from the South: A  Cursory Glance at Some Events of the Argentinian Theatrical Landscape

Halima Tahan Ferreyra* Two exceptional plays, works of micro-theatre and an emerging theatre series are among the theatrical experiences in Buenos Aires which this article alights upon. To those are added festivals and projects which set the theatre agenda throughout

Navigating the Theatre Ecology in Hong Kong: Perspectives of a Singaporean

Navigating the Theatre Ecology in Hong Kong: Perspectives of a Singaporean

Benny Lim* I moved to Hong Kong to take up a faculty position in 2013. Prior to my relocation, my understanding of Hong Kong’s theatre scene was mainly based on my yearly holidays to Hong Kong as well as the

Greece on Stage

Greece on Stage

Irene Moundraki* The theatre landscape in Greece is impressive. There are hundreds of productions in a single season. In fact, the season has no beginning and no end, and all kinds of venues are ready to welcome them; ranging from

English-Canadian Theatre: Embracing a Country’s Diversity

English-Canadian Theatre: Embracing a Country’s Diversity

Martin Morrow* In the 1990s, Canadian playwright Sharon Pollock said something to me that has always stuck in my head. “The faces on the stage,” she observed, “aren’t the faces on the street.” I can no longer remember the exact

From Rising to Riot: Irish Theatre’s Retrofuture

From Rising to Riot: Irish Theatre’s Retrofuture

Brian Singleton* The past year in Irish theatre has been highly significant politically. 2016 marked the centennial anniversary of the failed Rebellion against colonial British rule that has troubled the Irish nation since independence. The Rising, as it is termed

Theatre in Serbia Today

Theatre in Serbia Today

Aleksandar Milosavljević* If someone had told the theatre professionals in Serbia that conditions for their work today would be worse than during the rule of Slobodan Milosevic, they would all have laughed. It was a time of “undeclared” regional wars,

Israeli Theatre in 2017: Visions of a Cleft Heart

Israeli Theatre in 2017: Visions of a Cleft Heart

Shai Bar Yaacov* 2017 was a significant year for the Israeli theatre because it marks the centenary of the founding of the first professional Hebrew speaking theatre, Habima, which was officially founded in Moscow, in 1917, sometime between the first