Trois Richard III : trois visions de la pièce

Trois Richard III : trois visions de la pièce

Jean-Pierre Han* Un vent de folie s’est emparé cette saison de notre théâtre en France. Un vent de folie qui a charrié dans un très court laps de temps (le seul mois de janvier) plusieurs mises en scène de Richard

Aestheticization and Politicization of Shakespeare in a Globalized China

Aestheticization and Politicization of Shakespeare in a Globalized China

Shen Lin* This paper provides a few examples to indicate how Chinese artists have put Shakespeare to various uses, from the old country’s semi-colonial and semi-feudal past to its market-oriented present. A century ago, Shakespeare arrived in a China seized

Shakespeare and Modernity

Shakespeare and Modernity

John Elsom* I want to enter a large subject through a side door: Shakespeare’s puns. Richard Eyre, once the director of our National Theatre, was asked by his tutor at Cambridge, Kingsley Amis, whether he found the jokes in Twelfth