Mark Bly in conversation with Katalin Trencsényi by Katalin Trencsényi* Mark Bly is an American dramaturg, editor, and lecturer. He was the chair of the Playwriting Program at the Yale School of Drama from 1992-2004, while being the associate artistic
International and In-Home Theatre: New Audiences, New Spaces
Interview with Paul Heller by Lissa Tyler Renaud* Clearly, the dictum “write what you know” has made no impression on San Francisco playwright Paul Heller. He seems to be magnetized by everything unfamiliar. He writes plays about cultures he doesn’t
Revisiting the Classics
Interview with Charles Mee by Elena Delliou* Profile A renowned American playwright, Charles Mee is known not only for his work per se but also his unique approach to playwriting and his ideas regarding parthenogenesis in theatre and the free
Un théâtre démystificateur, critiques et briseurs de consensus
Entretien avec Santiago Martin Bermudez Propos recueillis par Irène Sadowska Guillon* L’éclectisme, le non-conformisme et la liberté totale de pensée et de son écriture caractérisent la démarche de Santiago Martin Bermudez. Fondateur et animateur de diverses revues et de collectifs
The Playwright is a Labourer of Love
Interview with Femi Osofisan by Olakunbi Olasope* Introduction Femi Osofisan has had a distinguished career in the academia for about four decades. He is Emeritus Professor of Theatre Arts, University of Ibadan, and Distinguished professor, Kwara State University, Malete, Ilorin,