By Robert Greig* (South Africa) Author (and Actor): Stuart Taylor. Director: Heinrich Reisenhofer. Venue: Baxter Theatre, Cape Town, 2009. The Coloured people, the majority population group of the Western Cape and 10 percent of the national population, have multiple origins.
Images and a Popular Emotionalism: Peer Gynt
Kyoung-hee Kwon[1] Author: Henrik Ibsen. Theatre Dir ector: Jung-woong Yang. Co-Production: LG Art Center and Theatre Company Yo-hang-ja (The Travelers), Seoul, Korea, 2009. At the back of the stage is a huge mirror which distorts the objects it reflects and,
A Brief History of Theatre Commentaries in Japan : Its Beginning and Its Modernization
Manabu Noda* 1. Hyōbanki reviews of the Edo Period The earliest example of theatre commentary in Japan can be dated back to the mid-eleventh century’s Shin Sarugō-ki(The New Record of Sarugaku), although it was more of travel writing than an
A History of Theatre Commentary in Korea
KIM Yun-Cheol* (President/IATC) The beginning of theatre commentary in Korea coincides with that of the modern Korean theatre, just one hundred years ago. At that time, a Korean-style opera by Lee In-Jik, called The Silvery World, premiered at the first
The History of Criticism: English
John Elsom[1] The narratives of English theatre often tell a drab story of the early 18th century, too many doggerel tragedies and comedies without the bawdiness of the Restoration. But the years saw the arrival of three characteristic features of
Philosophie et nouveau théâtre
Patrice Pavis[1] Philosophy and New theatre Philosophy has been in demand during the whole history of theatre. In the last fifty years the following theories have been used: Marxism and dramaturgical analysis, critical theory, structuralism, deconstruction, hermeneutics, semiotics, phenomenology. They
Playing seriously with Augusto Boal (1931-2009)
Veronika Baxter[1] Augusto Boal died on 2 May, 2009 after struggling with leukemia for some time. He is survived by his wife Cecilia – and sons, Fabian and Julian Boal – who is active in the Theatre of the Oppressed
Disturbing silence (and outcries) over memories of a colonial war (1961-1974)
Maria Helena Serôdio* (Portugal) À propos de trois pièces de théâtre portugaises mises en scène à Lisbonne – de Fernando Dacosta (Une jeep d’occasion, 1979), Mário de Carvalho (Le sens de l’épopée, 1989) et João Santos Lopes (Parfois il neige
Interview with José Maria Vieira Mendes
Interviewed by Rita Martins*; translation by Francesca Rayner José Maria Vieira Mendes was born in Lisbon in 1976. He began his career as a dramatist in 1998 with the Artistas Unidos (United Artists), a prestigious theatre company directed by distinguished
Interview with Yun-Taek Lee
Interviewed by Bang-Ock Kim[1] Theatre Critic; President, Korean Theatre Studies Association Born in 1952, Yun-Taek Lee entered Seoul Theatre School in 1972, and worked as a reporter at Busan Ilbo for seven years. In 1986, he founded the Street Theatre