Table of Contents

Opening Words | Mots d’ouverture
Yun-Cheol Kim

Maria Helena Serôdio

Theatrical Commentary | Commentaire théâtral

Towards a history of professional theatrical commentary
Don Rubin

Criticism: The origins
Ian Herbert

Indian critics and the Natyashastra
Ravi Chaturvedi

Theatre criticism in Hungary
Peter Szaffko

Critics under review
Michael Handelzalts

Eric Bentley Before and After the IATC Thalia Prize |
Eric Bentley avant et après le Prix Thalie de l’AICT

A Proust questionnaire for Eric Bentley
Randy Gener

Reading a Playwright’s Diary | Lire le journal d’un dramaturge

Norén’s diary gives critics a lesson or two
Matti Linnavuori

A Patchwork of Theatre Views | Patchwork de visions du théâtre

José Maria Vieira Mendes (Portugal), Interviewed by Rita Martins

Yun-Taek Lee (South Korea), Interviewed by Bangock Kim

Marta Carreiras (Portugal), Interviewed by Rita Martins

The Theatre of Ionesco: Revelations and Reactions |
Le théâtre d’Ionesco: révélations et réactions

Portuguese perplexities, contradictions and a fierce debate
Sebastiana Fadda

Ionesco translated by Octavio Paz
Rodolfo Obregón

Reclaiming the Legacy of Jerzy Grotowski |
Réclamation de l’héritage de Jerzy Grotowski

Acting before and after Grotowski: Presence / Non-presence
Tomasz Milkowski

Working with Grotowski and After
Maja Komorowska

Grotowski in the 21st century: Teatr Pieśń Kozła (Song of the Goat Theatre), Wrocław, Poland
Mark Brown

Spreading (In)visible Theatre with Augusto Boal |
Répandre le théâtre (in)visible avec Augusto Boal

Playing seriously with Augusto Boal (1931-2009)
Veronika Baxter

The Irresistible Meeting Point for Theatre |
Point de rencontre irrésistible pour le théâtre

Philosophie et nouveau théâtre
Patrice Pavis

Disturbing silence (and outcries) over memories of a colonial war (1961-1974)

Disturbing silence (and outcries) over memories of a colonial war (1961-1974)
Maria Helena Serôdio

The Critics Review the Shows | Analyses de spectacles par des critiques

Domestic silences exposed: Learner Husband (Cape Town)
Robert Greig

Lorsque le Québec et la Martinique se croisent : Le collier d’ Hélène
Alvina Ruprecht

Leçon magistrale d’écriture scénique: Le garçon du dernier rang
Irène Sadowska

Le plaisir de jouer avec virtuosité: Leichtes Spiel: Neun Personen einer Frau
Patrice Pavis

“War” over The Persians
Savas Patsalidis

Images and a popular emotionalism: Peer Gynt
Kwon Kyoung-Hee

Noah’s Ark, directed by Janusz
Tomasz Milkowski

Estorino dreams of another American Medea
Vivian Martinez

Professing Theatre Criticism | Profession: critique de théâtre

The History of Criticism: English
John Elsom

A Brief History of Theatre Commentaries in Japan: Its Beginning and Its Modernization
Manabu Noda

A History of Theatre Commentary in Korea
Yun-Cheol Kim